Renewables Surpass Coal at Start of 2020

Innovative Solar Systems, LLC develops utility-scale solar farms, we know the importance of providing more affordable electricity for everyone. Over the past several years we have been seeing major changes in the popularity of solar as an investment and as a clean energy source. Even during uncertain times like these, renewables continue to grow. Trends even suggest that with businesses looking to cut overhead costs during difficult times will look to install and invest in solar.  

“Renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) produced 10.6% more electricity than coal during the first two months of 2020 and also topped nuclear power in February, according to a SUN DAY Campaign analysis of recently-released data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)”, according to PV Buzz. Solar and wind showed particular growth, passing other renewable energy sources. This is on track with trends from 2019 that have shown continued interest and growth in solar. The latest issue of EIA’s “Electric Power Monthly” reveals  that “During the first two months of this year, solar-generated electricity expanded by 32.0%”. Solar and wind combined accounted for more than 11.0% of total U.S. electrical production. “EIA’s data were even more dramatic for just the month of February when solar ballooned by 40.3% as wind expanded by 27.1%.” Coal continues to be on the decline whose “output was 30.0% lower than a year earlier.”

Renewables even outperformed nuclear energy by 3.6%, the future of clean energy is even closer than we think. According to Ken Bossong, Executive Director of the SUN DAY Campaign “If present trends continue, electrical generation by the mix of renewable energy sources could permanently exceed that of either coal or nuclear power or both in 2020… And if not this year, then certainly that will happen in 2021.”  With facts like that, ISS is proud to be at the forefront of solar energy development across the U.S. If you would like more information about Innovative Solar Systems LLC and our utility-scale solar farm projects, please call 828-424-7884 or visit

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